His personal journey changed the European understanding of the world forever. This is the absorbing true story of Venetian explorer Marco Polo’s arduous trek to the East—and beyond. Literally, it’s the adventure of a lifetime.

13th century Venetian trader Marco Polo (Ian Somerhalder, Lost) is enlisted to accompany a pair of priests to the court of Kublai Khan (Golden Globe winner Brian Dennehy, Death of a Salesman), Mongol conqueror of the East. The mission is to convert the most populous and wealthiest nation in the world to Christianity. Yet the priests aren’t even convinced that the sophisticated nation of China even exists. After all, God put Europe as the center of the world. How could there be anything but barbarism beyond? Not willing to risk their lives in the increasingly precipitous and treacherous Pamir Mountains, the priests retreat, leaving Marco, his father Niccolo (Mark Jax, Merlin), and his Uncle Maffeo (Alan Shearman, John Tucker Must Die) to push ahead through blinding blizzards and across the Taklamakan and Gobi deserts. Set upon by murderous bandits, ravaged by hunger, thirst, and the blazing sun, they push forth toward the unknown of Khan’s fabled heartland.

What greets them is an astonishing world like no other place on earth—one that the West could never even conceive of. Here they discover something called time pieces, learn the advantages of paper currency and an imperial postal system for exchanging messages. They enjoy such strange delicacies as ice cream and pasta, and witness the awesome implications of the advanced weaponry of an empire under draconian rule. From religion to war to culture, everything Marco believes about his world is challenged and proven wrong. So too are his rigid notions of Kublai Khan who accepts Marco as an envoy of his court, where he advances as a Mongol grandee, shares in the forbidden love of a Persian princess, and in a historically important and unprecedented move, chronicles his life over the next twenty years, marooned on the far side of the world.

Featuring Desiree Siahaan (Son of the Dragon) and BD Wong (Law and Order: SVU), Marco Polo is a gripping look at two of world history’s most enigmatic men and a sensuous vision of a legendary time and place. 


2 x 90-minutes








Ian Somerhalder, Brian Dennehy, Desiree Siahaan, BD Wong, Luo Yan, Lim Kay Tong


Kevin Connor

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