The series follow a group of remarkable individuals with disabilities as they pursue their life goals.

Unbreakable is about people with ordinary dreams facing extraordinary obstacles. The series follows an engaging cast of characters with physical or intellectual disabilities as they set out to achieve life milestones. Finding a job, looking for love, going flatting, starting a family….these are everyday goals – but the challenges these individuals face to achieve them – are anything but. Their ambitions are huge, and the obstacles even larger. 

Over the course of a year we follow the highs and the lows of our ambitious stars as they embark on a search for their destiny. Can they tick off their bucket lists, one dream at a time? This series will show how the secret to success lies in never, ever, giving up. 

Season 3 features nine remarkable Kiwi’s as they pursue their life goals. We follow their ups and their downs as they embark on a search for their destiny by ticking off their bucket lists one dream at a time.


Seasons 1: 7 x one hour; Season 2: 6 x one hour; Season 3: 6 x one hour




2020 - 2024


New Zealand

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